
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Our new Mission Statement

YCKC launched its new Mission Statement on Sunday, 16 Aug 2009 with a bit of fanfare. The lights went off… a short video clip came on… there was a quick reminder of YCK Chapel’s 55 years of existence as a local church, the experience of God’s grace and goodness to us… and our desire to be a blessing to those around us. Without a clear vision, it would not be possible to know where we are going as a church. The past many years, we have been guided by God’s Word and today, we have taken on the task to fine tune the mission further and to make it into a short statement we can remember.

A group of our leaders and ministry leaders have been coming together for the past eight months to embark on an Intentional Disciplemaking Church (IDC) Process. This process will carry on till the middle of next year, and beyond. Along the way, we will be sharing progress reports with our members. There will be changes and adjustments to make, but they will not just be structural changes or more programmes. In all we do, we will want to align ourselves and our activities in the church to the mission God has given to us in this locality.

Our mission:

"To Glorify God by Living the Gospel and Making Disciples to Reach the World for Christ."

Find out more about our new Mission Statement and its expression here.