
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Changes Everything - Cardboard testimonies

At our special 'Christmas Changes Everything' Christmas Service on 25 Dec 2011, we had 21 people of different ages and backgrounds testify to how knowing Jesus has changed their lives!

Check out the video of the inspiring 'cardboard testimonies' at

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

YCKC's 57th Anniversary - Remembering God's Agenda for the World

It was in 1954 when several believers living in the Serangoon and Yio Chu Kang vicinity gathered at 140 Yio Chu Kang Road to break bread together. This was Yio Chu Kang Chapel’s humble beginning.

Today, we celebrate our 57th anniversary, grateful to the Lord for calling us, establishing us as a local church and commissioning us to fulfil His purpose.

On this special occasion, it is good for us to ponder over this question: what is God’s agenda for the world and how is it relevant to us in this local church?

God has an agenda for the world

Indeed, God has an agenda for the world, a plan that He has put in place. This is expressed so clearly in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” In a nutshell, God’s agenda is given in the glorious gospel. This is the message that everyone must hear.

This was the message that Paul preached passionately to Jews and Gentiles (for a concise record of his sermon, refer to Acts 13:16-49) declaring that God’s plans are fulfilled in the risen Christ. Through Jesus, the forgiveness of sins is promised. Through Him, everyone who believes is justified. What glorious good news for all!

God pursues His agenda

Recently, Dane Ortlund, Senior Editor of the Bible Division at Crossway Books invited a group of theologians and Bible scholars to summarise the message of the Bible in one sentence. The following is an interesting sample:

God has made promises to bring His people to Himself and He is fulfilling them all through Christ. (Mark Dever)

Jesus is the promised Savior-King.(David Helm)

God is redeeming His creation by bringing it under the lordship of Jesus Christ. (Kent Hughes)

God, who made us and everything else, loves us and gave Himself for us that we might live forever with Him as new creatures in a new creation—the news is good! (Phil Long)

The message of the Bible is the transforming grace of God displayed preeminently in Jesus Christ. (Sean Lucas)

The Lover of our souls won’t let the romance die, but is rekindling it forever.(Ray Ortlund)

These one sentence summaries of the Bible message indeed bring to our attention that the loving God relentlessly pursues His agenda. And we are beneficiaries. We can testify of God’s redeeming grace and the blessedness of being His people.

This gospel is bearing fruit and growing

As I reflect on God’s agenda, our theme verse for this year comes to mind:
“All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God’s grace in all its truth” (Col 1:6).

Each of us is a fruit of this gospel message. We have received the good news, and have come to Jesus, acknowledging Him as Saviour and Lord.
And amazingly, as He has called us to Himself, He has also given us the privilege of joining Him in His work.

We can never fully fathom all that God is doing throughout the world and through the ages. But we do know that our purposeful God who caused this church to be established 57 years ago desires us to be involved in His glorious gospel work.

Prior to the church being established, in 1953, Mr and Mrs Cook from Canada were busily moving about the Chia Keng Village, gathering children and all who would hear, to tell them the gospel of Jesus Christ. The faithful witnessing of this couple gradually led to a group of believers coming together for worship as a congregation and to use that location as a base for witness in this vicinity. The work has grown through the past decades.

Today, as we mark our 57th anniversary, we look back with thanksgiving to the Lord and look forward with expectations mindful of our calling as a church. This is captured in our mission statement. We exist to glorify God by living the gospel and making disciples to reach the world for Christ.

May we be true to the mission that the Lord of the church has entrusted to us.

- David LT Yap, Lead Pastor

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Let's pray for our nation Singapore

"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight
of God our Saviour"
(1 Timothy 2:1-3, KJV).

We are commanded to pray for our nation. Yes, this is not a suggestion but a command.

Prayer is how we communicate with God and participate in His works. It enables us to tap into God’s power. At the same time, it is a great privilege to experience God through prayer, committing people and circumstances to Him and seeing Him work out His purpose. Christians are called to offer supplications, prayers and intercessions. We know that we are citizens of two kingdoms – the spiritual kingdom of God and the physical kingdom of earth. The Bible brings to our attention that we need to be good citizens of both kingdoms.

As Singapore observes our 46th National Day, it is right that we take this occasion to remind all of us that we have the responsibility to pray for our nation.

Pray for our national leaders in Singapore

Let’s pray for our government. One of the fundamental functions of any government is to provide public order.

A government that cannot enforce the rule of law over its citizens will be lame. This is the underlying reason that Paul exhorted us to be subject to those entrusted with the responsibility to lead the nation. Yes, we believe that the authorities that exist have been established by God to promote order (Rom 13:1). Let’s pray for the lawmakers in our land. May the laws that are passed be just, to benefit the majority and not only a selected few. Let’s pray for the Prime Minister and the Cabinet – that they may be leaders with integrity and wisdom, even as they steer the nation through turbulent times and seek to provide equal opportunities to every citizen. Our government has expressed the need to identify a new generation of younger leaders to be groomed to succeed the older leaders. Pray that this process will be successful as capable and upright men and women are identified and step forth to serve society. Let’s pray for those who judge, that they may bring justice swiftly, and that all matters under their judgment will examined carefully and fairly. Let’s pray for continued freedom to worship and assemble, for an environment where the good news of Jesus Christ can be freely proclaimed.

Prayer for Singapore's society

We read the papers and note the sad decline of moral values in our society. We have become very materialistic. The major focus of many in society appears to be on climbing up the social and economic ladder in order to accumulate more. At the same time, we hear of sad accounts of family break-ups, addictions, violence and sexual immorality. Let’s pray that we do not become a society with no fear of God. May the above idols be removed, and may people come to know the Living God. Let’s uphold the family institution in prayer. God designed the family to be a place of love and support, a safe place to grow and enjoy the warmth of familial ties. The family institution is under attack. Ask the Lord to bring peace, guidance and healing to families, and that His people will have opportunities to help strengthen family life in our nation. Let’s pray for the youths in our society today. Each day they are bombarded with conflicting moral standards and violence, through various media channels. In the midst of this turmoil, God is raising up young people like the Bible characters Joseph, Joshua and Timothy – people who fear God and desire to please Him in their lives. Ask the Lord to make them bold and steadfast in their faith.

Pray for the Church in Singapore

We need to pray for ourselves, the church in Singapore.
Pray that God’s people will stand strong in our convictions, be bold and faithful witnesses and indeed be mindful that we are to be salt and light in our society. We pray that the church in Singapore will grow with clear evidence of faithful reliance on the Word of God and guided by the Spirit of God. May the church in Singapore be God’s instrument to bless our nation, and also nations that the Lord wants us to reach. The church is called to pray. We stand in the gap for our nation and nations of the world. The people of God have been commanded to intercede. We have the wonderful privilege and opportunity of partnering in God’s Kingdom work through prayer. Indeed, He promises to respond when His people humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways and pray. Turning from our wicked ways include turning from our unbelief and ungodliness.

Church, we have been commanded to pray for our nation. Let us not neglect this important and privileged responsibility.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

By David L.T. Yap/Lead Pastor

Friday, June 10, 2011

Kingdom of the Son 'prayer safari' - a wonderful time at Vacation Bible School!

Jambo! It means "Hello" in Swahili.
"Jambo" was one of the many songs that 76 children learnt to sing at the recent Vacation Bible School for children from ages 5-8 that was held from 31 May – 3 June 2011. At the VBS, the children went through a safari (Swahili for “journey”) and were taught, through Bible story-telling, music and songs, as well as crafts and games, that – God listens, God provides, God forgives and God protects. Over four days, the children and teachers were led by the Lord through a time of spiritual bonding and great learning. Ask the young ones who participated to sing the Lord's Prayer! They even know and can show you the sign language for it!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

YCKC Kindergarten Registration

YCKC Kindergarten's mission is:

  • To provide an enriching, creative and stimulating curriculum for the total development of the children.

  • To nurture the children into independent, inquisitive and confident life-long learners.

  • To inculcate in the children good moral character that will uphold them all their lives.

  • To set a bilingual foundation for children.

  • To support staff in their professional development and personal effectiveness.

  • To partner with parents and community in enhancing the children’s learning.

Registration for 2012 intake:

  • Registration for children of church members or siblings of pupils:
    Date: 16 – 31 March ’11 (except weekends & Public holidays)
    Time: 8.30am to 3.30pm
    Church members should obtain a letter of reference from the church office.

  • Registration for public:
    Date: From 1 April ’11 (except weekends & Public holidays)
    Time: 8.30am to 3.30pm

For details on fees and documents required, please contact the kindergarten at 62855372 or refer to the kindergarten webpage at

Friday, January 7, 2011

Making disciples – bearing fruit and growing

Making disciples – bearing fruit and growing

"All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God's grace in all its truth". (Col 1:6)

Dear Church,
The Lord wants us to hear this message clearly: the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, is bearing fruit all over the world and advancing, and He wants us to join in His mission!
This was the message Paul joyously declared when he wrote to the church in Colossae. Today, the truth of this message continues to unfold before us.

The gospel is for everyone
“All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit". Paul was writing to a church made up of mainly Gentile believers. He was at the same time aware that there were many Jewish believers who have embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ, as the gospel was spreading through the then known world. Everywhere the gospel was preached, there was response – in certain cases rejection, and in certain cases welcome. The gospel message was not bound by geography, race, gender, nationality or politics. It was certainly not restricted to only a certain class of people. The gospel is good news to anyone who will receive it.

The gospel is powerful
This gospel is “bearing fruit and growing”. It is not just a catchy phrase. It’s about life change. It is about transformation that brings about right living before God. It is “the power of God for salvation” (Rom 1:16). It is the powerful Word of God that will not come back empty without accomplishing His purpose (Isa 55:11). The gospel is active and dynamic.

The gospel is about God’s grace
The Colossian believers were people who experienced the wonders of God’s amazing grace. They received the gospel message. It impacted them. Their lives had been changed when they received what God freely and graciously provided. This is grace. The gospel is the message of God’s gift to undeserving people. It is the good news of God’s grace.

The gospel must be shared
Epaphras faithfully shared the good news with the Colossians. In turn, the Colossian believers, as beneficiaries, had the responsibility to live out the gospel and relay the good news. It’s a sobering responsibility. But this is God’s way. He could have used another more effective way. But God chose to use people who have received His grace to tell others. Paul drew our attention to the fact that God has given us “the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Cor 5:18). We are ministers, servants, entrusted with the responsibility to tell people this good news that God’s grace is available.
God will cause the gospel to bear fruit and to advance. Amazingly, He invites us, people who have experienced His grace, to be involved in His mission. What a privilege! What an awesome responsibility!
Our Lord Jesus therefore gave this solemn charge to all His beloved disciples, to “go and make disciples” (Matt 28:18-20). This is the call to the church to be engaged in the Lord’s gospel work, the gospel in the full sense of the word.

Church, let’s hear the call to make disciples. That’s our Lord's design for the good news of the hope of restoration to be brought to the world.

In 2011:

Hear the message to Jonah, and understand God's heartbeat.

Hear the message to Joel, and take hold of the Lord's promise.

Hear the message to the Colossians, and have an appreciation of the gospel's transforming power.

YCKC, the Lord has placed us here to exhort one another, to be accountable to each other in the Body of Christ, to have opportunities to minister together. The mandate is clear, the task is great, the outcome will be glorious, for the Lord will accomplish His purpose. We have the privilege of involvement in the Lord’s mission, and will have the joy of seeing the gospel bearing fruit and growing.

May this new year be one that is fruitful, the result of disciples going out faithfully to “make disciples” as our Lord has so commissioned us.

David LT Yap
Beneficiary of God’s grace
Serving as Lead Pastor in YCKC