Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Still Building, Still Growing
"For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building." – 1 Corinthians 3:9
More than a year ago, one of our under-shepherds shared 1 Corinthians 3:9 with the others. It was a reminder that our Lord is always working to accomplish His purposes in the church. We are simultaneously God’s field and God’s building and God’s fellow workers. This precious word from the Lord eventually become the theme verse for this year’s church camp, which took place earlier this week.
This camp is an important milestone in YCKC’s “intentional disciple-making church” process. Our journey thus far has already brought about a new mission statement and core values, new ministries and outreach platforms, and new partners in kingdom work. We are as a church conscious that our Chief Shepherd is in the renovation business (Rev 21:5)!
A faithful servant of God and a friend of YCKC, Pastor Daniel Foo, ministered powerfully to nearly 150 of us at the camp.
We worshipped God in Spirit and in truth, with greater fervency than ever before.
Our leaders prayed for the church, and the members in turn prayed for the leaders. Hearts were stirred and challenged, tears were shed, and minds were provoked. Many have returned with joyful testimonies of having encountered the Lord, receiving healing, affirmation or a personal message from Him. In the weeks ahead we will share individual testimonies with the church.
Praise God! What we are seeing is new life being infused into YCKC. It cannot but cause change, growth, transformation – call it what you like. Awe and anticipation are appropriate responses to what God is doing. We know that He already has the blueprint and He is doing the work. In His good time and by His good pleasure, we will become a church befitting the term “bride of Christ”. Each of us should arise to be ready, diligent and faithful partners of God in this adventure. To Him alone be all glory, honour and praise!
- Elder Aaron Lee